i’m done! I’ve literally been playing all day and it’s time to take a good break LOL, thanks for following this exceedingly long thread and coming along for the ride! Thread /end(walker)

53 739

i did not expect them to get as much character development as they are getting!! They are turning out to be quite cute....

259 603

I’m starting to enjoy hanging out with baby minfilia and doing chores with her, she’s very earnest and means well

68 368

i want to dote on these kids as often as possible but it is nice that they do the same for you 🥺🥺🥺

175 508

there is an enemy here called rainbow lorikeet and it has an attack called flying bream...

43 167

hehehe minfilia want to come do my sidequest with me and it seems like we are not telling the grownups thancred and urianger hehe

96 409