ZX Screens A-Z: SuperTed

Reason: Sometimes, simple is all you need.

5 20

ZX Screens A-Z: Macbeth

Reason: Simple yet so effective.

2 15

ZX Screens A-Z: Game Over

Reason: Filth.

10 65

ZX Screens A-Z: Don Quixote

Reason: Lovely screen with Don and Sancho lit by the moon's light casting deep blue shadows. No windmill though 🤔

4 26

ZX Screens A-Z: DJ Puff's Volcanic Caper

Reason: Lot going on here, but I particularly like the General (or Cinema Commissionaire) with his gold braiding and epaulettes. Good leather jacket, snake and background complete with hanging vines.

1 16

ZX Screens A-Z: Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk

Reason: Although a bit of colour-clash, there's lots to love here: the bounding ribbon, door-arch, the view, etc. My favourite part, however, has to be the left door - just a single red line.

6 20

ZX Screens A-Z: Diamond Mine

Reason: At first glance a rather simple pic, but I love the lettering and the subtle use of magenta and the BRIGHT attribute for the rocks which give this image real depth. Also, just look at those eyes. Genius!

3 12

ZX Screens: Crimbo

Reason: Just a jolly colourful Christmas picture. Love the snow-covering on the lettering and the sky going from blue-cyan-white. Makes me want EggNog.

3 11

ZX Screens A-Z: CJs Elephant Antics

Reason: What a wonderful screen! The detail in the clouds, the eyes, the rosy (and not so rosy) cheeks, the dog, the bombs, the ANTICS font and is that an explosion next to some mushrooms? Packed with fun.

6 27

ZX Screens A-Z: Casanova

Reason: Just wow! Excellent depth here - fore, mid and background. Also, look at the textures for his clothes, mask, face and wig - all different, all work perfectly. Not a bit of this image I don't love! 10/10

7 36

ZX Screens A-Z: Carrier Command

Reason: What a dynamically composed, single-point perspective image this is. Everything is moving. Pick your view point and everything is either rushing in or popping out of the screen! Static, yet In motion!

4 25

ZX Screens A-Z: Brave Starr

Reason: Okay, he has a veeery long right thigh, but look at the shadow work! Also, the framing appears to be the subject of the piece here - there's very little going in the centre of the picture.

3 17

ZX Screens A-Z: Batman - The Caped Crusader

Reason: A very busy screen included for The Joker and his maniacal laugh framing the action.

4 16

ZX Screens A-Z: Atic Atac

Reason: 1983, mere months after the machine's release and this screen hints at wizards, spells, trapdoors and monsters. Lovely collection of images in one place.

9 42

ZX Screens A-Z: Aspar GP Master

Reason: Incredible use of colour and the bright attribute without being too garish. ASPAR lettering wonderful!

5 19