

yattasexual incel-nv25-♍🐯 A #nanbaka #ナンバカ M #fma #Dorohedoro O #jenshinimpact N #honkai #shitpost G #art U #simp 🐉@/SUicidehomunculus pronouns: illo/illo ۞

フォロー数:4880 フォロワー数:1681

Where are the Seelies come from, are they the descendants of evil lady su or something?

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Maybe this one in the manga is the Evil lady Su and the Khaenri'ah one is our Su, still hard to separate both of them

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This mushroom I think that is more clear to what mimicry since we saw the original

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We have more imitations of other living beings with these two, I also theorize that they imitate the same

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Senti with short hair feels like a fever dream but its just here for real

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from what I have read the official page end up deleting them anyways I collected these

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I only want to see the parallel of these two bastards together

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