

yattasexual incel-nv25-♍🐯 A #nanbaka #ナンバカ M #fma #Dorohedoro O #jenshinimpact N #honkai #shitpost G #art U #simp 🐉@/SUicidehomunculus pronouns: illo/illo ۞

フォロー数:4880 フォロワー数:1681

new existential crisis about what could be the parallel version of Shennong

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it's probably all thanks to Void Archives which has documented all the weapons, that's why Otto can also recreate some of its powers even though he doesn't know all its secrets

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Fu Hua seems that can recreate the power of the weapon every 500 years if she dies, probably the effort is due to trying to memorize the weapon, it is mentioned that the weapon was lost 500 years ago when she died

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And he already did the slash attack before, the real question is if his second attack are also cuts to the invocation of Durandal similar to his ulti like Senti because it is not clear in the image

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Jeje lo pilláis A4 es un juego de palabras porque a cuatro patas es la posición sexual pasiva pero cuando pones el número y eliminas el espacio también es el sistema de medida de papel que es más pequeño que A2

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Fuck those ones that think Kaveh is Void Archives expy, for me he is Kalpas, and thats the most headcanon uhm uhm

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This remaind my of this MF that I thought it would be a dragon and it's a bat or a wolf or whatever in between https://t.co/MpWGyNMnhH

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As It is sayed, the cure for Su's disease was made with the serum of those affected, maybe the King's sacrifice only cured those affected with his serum, and the purification of the tree only erased the memories of its existence therefore it cannot expand (?)

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