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𝔍𝔦𝔪 ℭ𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔤さんのイラストまとめ

Don't fear the future, you will meet it carrying the same weapons of reason from which you arm yourself against the present. ~ Marcus Aurelius

フォロー数:390 フォロワー数:8243

A Roman phalera from a horse-harness found in Germany. The centre has the emperor either Claudius or Nero. PLINIO PRAEF EQ is engraved on it, Pliny the Elder was a cavalry commander in lower Germany during the mid 1stC and it could be connected to him. Now in the British museum.

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This set of Roman Phalerae was discovered buried in a box during the construction of a drainage ditch in 1858 at Lauresfort, Germany. Given for valour/bravery in battle this set belonged to Titus Festus and would be worn on parade. Now in the Burg Linn museum.

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The Dacian Falx was a curved blade that would be used like a sickle. Causing horrific wounds to the legions as the tip could puncture heads in helmets and the blade cut through shields. The Romans had to adopt arm/shin guards aswell as re-enforcing their helmets with cross bars.

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This beautiful 500year old suit of armour was worn in battle by emperor Maximilian I. It was commissioned by him at 18, receipt of payment to the armourer still survives and cost the modern equivalent of millions. The rise of gunpowder would soon make these useless.

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This Roman armguard (Manica) was found at the bottom of a well in the headquarters buildings of Newstead fort. It's missing a few segments and originally was longer to protect the sword arm. Other armour was found alongside, probably thrown in as the legions departed.

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52bc battle of Gergovia, Caesar followed Vercingetorix to this hill fort but was outnumbered. The legions went up and heavy fighting ensued on this slope, the romans not recognising thier own auxilia thought they were surrounded fled. Caesar lost many men including 46 centurions.

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The roman fort of Vindolanda on Hadrian's wall has given us the most unique finds in history, the soil lacks oxygen and has acted like a time machine. This is the only original centurion's helmet crest in existence, I will cover more finds from Vindolanda in the next few tweets.

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The battle of Lade 494bc Persians defeated the Greeks at sea, its hard to imagine hundreds of triremes being smashed to bits and thousands of men fighting and drowning in what is now rolling green fields. The bay completely silted up just like at Thermopylae.

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It was a major importance to keep the shield dry, a wet shield was a weak one. A leather cover (Tegimen) was kept on in the rain and only removed just before battle. Amazing artwork by

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The silver shields were the elite unit in Alexander the greats army and acted like an ancient version of special forces. After Alexander's death they followed Eumenes, even into their 60s and 70s they were feared due to their battle skills and experience. Grandads from hell!

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