

Concept Artist. Prev- Vis Dev @ Rockstar North. Pixel pusher. Indie Horror fan 🔪 All views mine-

フォロー数:1718 フォロワー数:1741

Still feel like absolute shit. But the RE3 demo is here!

Thicc Nemmy wip from a few weeks back..

5 23

Hello new followers. Come on in. Try the quiche.

1 14

BARK! He just turns up outside pubs sometimes. Nobody knows who made him...


8 22

Ayyy! I'm Toom. I'm all about the horror stuff. Starship Troopers painting from this evening. Have a good weekend everyone ✌️

2 16

The Mobile Infantry began nuking the surface of Klendathu, waking the arachnid swarm.

Big bugs for the poll choice. I love Starship Troopers

10 33

Victims of 'The Bubblehead Outbreak' still float above major population centres. They are hosts to the flies. ...until they burst.

24 82

Mud and Straw.

They're friendly enough. Just don't step foot on their farm. One colour sketches.

14 52