

I draw fantasy battle maps and assets for D&D, Pathfinder, and other TTRPGs.

フォロー数:81 フォロワー数:7686

Have you used our 'Coastal Town' map before? Well, I've just released a new nighttime variant! You can now download both the day and night version for free on our website:

4 50

This spacious metalworking shop specializes in iron golems, animated armor, and magical prosthetics. What would be a good name for such a store?

The Golem Forge battle map

2 30

A statue stands like a sentry before a tomb, holding an offering plate in its two stony hands. What sort of encounter would you design for this map, GMs?

The Forgotten Tomb battle map

1 25

Welcome to Mistvale, Garm's new system-neutral adventure setting consisting of jovial halflings, silent elves and a cult of knights, with maps and tokens to flesh it out!

Read it on our website:

3 13

These docks feature a large shipyard for repairs and ship construction, but the waters here are not entirely safe... What ocean dangers exist in your world, GMs?

The Shipyard battle map

1 35

You've found it! The thieves guild's most hidden stash in the secret caves below the city. Tell me GMs, why would they take such efforts to hide that statue?

The Cavern Mouth battle map

2 13

Powered by magic, these old roots and stones for a nexus by which you can jump to different planes. What sort of cost would you impose on this, GMs?

The Woodland Nexus battle map

1 14

We've just released Troy's 'To Graven Grotto' encounter complete with battle map, monster tokens, and 5e stat blocks! Are your players prepared to face his Ocean-grafted Ghouls?

Find it all here:

3 18

Few things are quite as perilous as a rickety rope bridge... What monster would you mix with this battle map for the greatest amount of drama, GMs?

The rope bridge battle map

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The adventuring party follows a trail through the neatly ordered vineyard, never expecting __________... What comes to mind, DMs? :)

The Vineyard battle map

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