Jess - 5 11 Artsさんのプロフィール画像

Jess - 5 11 Artsさんのイラストまとめ

Jess, 31, UK. Self taught! Using art to express what I enjoy and trying new things along the way.

フォロー数:108 フォロワー数:146



So I flat-coloured my Link and it’s neat and pretty but I couldn’t get past how boring I found it to look at. It just felt so rigid and lifeless. It’s actually a really similar style to the Link BOTW drawing I did a few years ago which I still really like but it>

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So fun!! I like to multitask with long streams so I decided to merge your starters to make the abomination that is Herachu. I thought about doing others but decided it was too much work so I just did a more painterly abomination instead 😂😂 looking forward to more later!

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I need to draw more I love him. Inspired by s6 where we saw him in rare casual attire I wanted to draw him more chill. The sketch process was incredibly chaotic but I really liked where the line art ended up so I kept the colours simple to not take away from it.

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Not sure what a random instagram stranger gets out of scamming me into doing a before ghosting and never paying for it (they didn’t get the drawing nor any of my info except an already public email address so 🤷‍♀️) but here we are. Figured I might as well post it 😅

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And that was pretty much it! Though also during November itself I did start back up with some "regular" drawings again. The new season of My Hero Academia came out and I felt the emotional pull to draw my favourite character!

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I eventually played around with ideas and came up with a Pokemon themed "Abstract Alphabet" where each day of November (and 4 bonuses) I posted a pokemon of my choice beginning with each letter of the alphabet in an abstract style. It definitely helped get my mojo back!

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>small part of a drawing because of previous experience and it will look right pretty quickly which is always gratifying. Still, sometimes that same small part will take me fREAKIN AGES. Once again..fighting impatience 😅

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>a different way of expression and since he knows I draw. There are fewer things more cringe and pretentious feeling than guiding someone through what your weird art means but I guess that means it's a good challenge 😅

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I also found I didn't have the motivation or brain space or patience to work on something long and difficult so I did a few quick fire or less realistic drawings to scratch the itch of expression.

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