Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのプロフィール画像

Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのイラストまとめ

terrible at replying to things, apologies in advance. she or they, either way. please do not repost any of my art (incl. using as your icon/header), thank you

フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:1532

TMNT: Heart doodles, feat. chibis, the boys doing some of their hobbies together (Leo reading, Raph knitting, Donnie working on circuits (while also moderating Mikey’s chat), and Mikey gaming + streaming (which is also technically his job)), and a sampler of Mikey’s shell cozies

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went back and did more TMNT: Heart head studies and... actually came out with something v. similar to the last time I did them? oops. anyway also played with some other aspects, like giving the boys more traditional soft snoots instead of the usual more turtley ones I give them

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TMNT: Heart Leo 'n' Raph expressions

...I think I'm probably going to redesign their heads again, lol orz

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changes twitter header for probably the first time since I joined twitter, realizes too late Leo's face gets blocked by my icon (on desktop anyway, seems fine on mobile?), oops. sorry, Leo!

anyway easter Last Ronin flashback turtles because I make wise use of my time

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tonight’s the reveal of this year’s bunny banner in ! so I felt like drawing my spring designs for f!Corrin and Saizo again

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and a timelapse again, because why not

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want to work on art, too tired to focus on designs, time for more screenshot studies, this time feat. one of my favorite scenes from the 1990 TMNT movie

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tired and feels bad, ranks the in different series against each other (with notes as to whether I've seen the whole series or not). mostly just an excuse to draw different versions of the boys tbh (which is how the Last Ronin boys wound up on there despite only 2 issues)

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when people follow me for one fandom when I’m semi-active in several disparate fandoms (and also just when people follow me in general)

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