Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのプロフィール画像

Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのイラストまとめ

terrible at replying to things, apologies in advance. she or they, either way. please do not repost any of my art (incl. using as your icon/header), thank you

フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:1532

Dedue's in FEH now! so I drew him with the lil bunny from the new bunny accessory

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this started as a quick doodle to take a break before working on something else, then I fell asleep at my desk, then I decided to go ahead and finish it before going to bed, then I just kind of kept fiddling with it until suddenly it's after 4 am, oops. anyway 2014 Raph

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*Mike Shinoda's "Happy Endings" intensifies in the background*

anyway I liked the warmup doodle I did of the boys’ flashback versions so I cleaned it up and recolored it (and did a signature colors only ver. 'cause why not?)

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on second thought, removed hashtag. warmup doodles I spent more time on than I meant to, feat. more The Last Ronin flashback Raph and his lil flak vest, + the other boys in their duds (read The Last Ronin)

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TMNT: The Last Ronin is out now! so I drew my angry little son in his adorable little flashback outfit and this new daughter I seem to have adopted (reposted because I changed my mind on incl. spoilery elements then forgot to change the text of the tweet, oops)

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squeaks in just ahead of midnight with a drawing of my favorite Fire Emblem pairing for valentine's day yeeeaaaaahhhhh

anyway Forsython. happy valentine's daaaaay

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started wearing compression socks. somehow feel taller wearing them? but might just be much more aware of my legs existing than I used to be

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distracts self from driving self crazy trying to do turnarounds by doodling my top 10 favorite Fire Emblem characters with additional note as to whether they're in FEH or not and how many of their versions I have if they are because I make wise use of my time

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