Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのプロフィール画像

Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのイラストまとめ

terrible at replying to things, apologies in advance. she or they, either way. please do not repost any of my art (incl. using as your icon/header), thank you

フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:1532

Fire Emblem Heroes doodles: Python get! and tfw you return to a game after 2 years and a lot of your missing faves have made it in (and one already in got a new alt)! but somehow most of them are green units? (pictured: faves I've gotten since getting back, still missing some...)

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I started playing Fire Emblem Heroes again because I make wise use of my time, so here's some doodles of Saizo, Berkut, and Claude (with the former two's merges listed in the first pic)

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I played Among Us for the first time last night I'm not very good at it

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finally resuming portfolio work, with continued adventures. expressions again, now w/ current face designs! (Leo gets two sets because he acts distinctly differently when it's just him and Raph - he doesn't feel the need to put on an act with his twin, so)

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spent day thinking of things to draw, wound up overwhelmed and unable to focus when finally able to sit down and draw, decided to do another screenshot redraw for Rise of the and wound up also doing partial redraws/expression studies of Donnie and a bonus Raph. good night..

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stays up to 3:30 am drawing turtles like a fool, then even longer trying to post them via using my phone as a mobile hotspot, also like a fool

anyway favorite Raphs and the Rise of the kids group pic doodle because they are great watch RoTMNT good night

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drags self forth from the depths of illness to post more toitles. rough design expressions, Splinter rough, Splinter and his boys doodle, and deciding I'm not happy with the boys' face/head shapes and going back and doing some studies.

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won the extant-property-reboot-for-portfolio poll, so here's some quick initial rough designs, a quick refine/more stylized run, and doodles to start with. thank you to those who voted!

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(cw: robot blood n guts) figured I should do rough designs for OP n Megs at some point, so here’s Stalemate versions of Optimus Prime and Megatron, incl. back when they were the dockworkers (and part-time gladiator in Megs’ case) Orion and Dion and Elita was Ariel

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Stalemate 'con refining finishes up with Thunderblast and Astraea! mostly streamlining again, but I'm esp. happy with how 'blast turned out. I changed her color scheme to have a sort of wetsuit look and I think it turned out cute? also group pic 2!

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