Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのプロフィール画像

Tara (aka Rabbit, 72stars)さんのイラストまとめ

terrible at replying to things, apologies in advance. she or they, either way. please do not repost any of my art (incl. using as your icon/header), thank you

フォロー数:160 フォロワー数:1532

Stalemate 'con design refining continues, with Cheetor and Terrorsaur. remembered the faction logos this time, but forgot to color Cheetor's. :I mostly streamlining again, and took another look at Terror’s transmetal toy and took some cues from there

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(this time with the correct images!) also putting the Stalemate refined Autobot looks together. kind of “hmmmmed” at the sameiness of the overall team palette, and tried out a blue Override.

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Transformers: Stalemate 'bot refining continues, with Impactor and Blackarachnia! more extensive changes this time. every time I redesign 'rachnia I give her big knifey spider legs, then every time I have to change them to make them reasonable to draw...

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Transformers: Stalemate 'bot character design refining begins, also alt mode and weapon/equipment design. and, for fun: tech specs! Elita and Bulk haven't changed TOO much, but I'm happy with them so far? (I forgot to mention Bulk’s sword cane was made for him by Sideswipe...)

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oh, and an Elita One doodle I did while having a mood crash last night that I still liked and so finished this morning

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my copy of Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town should arrive tomorrow, and Popuri's new design is very cute and my ability to focus lies in pieces at my feet as every attempt at art frustrates me, so here's a doodle of Popuri and a chicken

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been poking at one of my original story ideas again, which has mostly resulted in a continuation of my endless poking at character/costume designs. I have no idea what I'm doing and will never be happy enough to start anything, nevermind finish it. anyway here's some Vega doodles

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feeling kind of burnt out and scattered, but trucking along as I can anyway. here's a Claude doodle and a look at the paralogues for chapter 7 in the "at-least-one-doodle-per-chapter-(and-paralogue) personal challenge for my 2nd Golden Deer/Verdant Wind run" thing

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also now that it's on digital I've finally gotten to see Promare! it's cute, so I quickly doodled some morons before I have to run off to do things I will never get these songs out of my head now

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got back into playing Dragalia Lost, was very happy to find I got back just in time for my fave to be considered OP. so here's some Vice doodles!

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