

apples • they/them prettybat 🦇 • 29 • MHA💥 Touhou☯️ StH🦔 ユーロビート🪩 • DID system • CEO of monoyama ⏱️🧀 + pro yuuga aoyama stan

フォロー数:433 フォロワー数:755

thinking about “you wanna fucking funko pop bitch??????”

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and that’s just a fraction of what i have on this device. thank you for looking 🥰

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🍁🌪 my final / piece until halloween! basically can we all agree that Suwa Foughten Field fucking slaps

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okina matara from th 16 ~ hidden star in four seasons, for and !! 🌟🌸🌞🍂❄️

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