

apples • they/them prettybat 🦇 • 29 • MHA💥 Touhou☯️ StH🦔 ユーロビート🪩 • DID system • CEO of monoyama ⏱️🧀 + pro yuuga aoyama stan

フォロー数:433 フォロワー数:755

doing these two colors b t w 👀

0 3

i love picrews ... my hair is currently this exact shade lmao

0 5

oh god oh man can i throw my into the fray. my multiple approaches. thanks

1 4

hey hey hey! its cirno day! happy day biggest best fairy of all time!!

3 6

ten years apart, 2009 verses 2019! believe in yourself.

1 9

got a pin of my sweet summer child in the mail

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can’t stop won’t stop

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