

"Did you ever stop to think and forget to start again?" Celebrating words written, or inspired by, the much-loved author and playwright. Instagram: @a_amilne

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The Little Black Hen said, "What will you pay,
If I lay you an egg
For Easter Day?

"I'll give you a Please
And a How-do-you-do,
I'll show you a Bear
Who lives in the Zoo,
I'll show you the nettle-place
On my leg,
If you'll lay me a great big
Eastery egg.

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You remember how Pooh discovered the North Pole; well he was so proud of this that he went out to discover the East Pole by himself. Whether he discovered it or not, I forget; but he was so tired when he got home that he fell asleep, and slept and slept. ~A.A.Milne

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"My house?" said Eeyore.
"Come and look," said Piglet, and he led the way.
They came round the corner, and there was Eeyore's house, looking as comfy as anything.
"Inside as well as outside," said Pooh proudly.
"It's a remarkable thing," said Eeyore.~A.A.Milne

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It rained, and it rained, and it rained. Pooh splashed to his door and looked out... “This is serious,” he said. “I must have an Escape.” So he took his largest pot of honey and escaped with it to a broad branch of his tree, well above the water. ~A.A.Milne

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The wind had dropped, and the snow, tired of rushing round in circles trying to catch itself up, now fluttered gently down until it found a place on which to rest, and sometimes the place was Pooh’s nose and sometimes it wasn’t. ~A.A.Milne

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At first as they stumped along the path they didn't say much; but when they came to the stream, and had helped each other across the stepping stones, and were able to walk side by side again over the heather, they began to talk in a friendly way. ~A.A.Milne

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There are some people who begin the Zoo at the beginning, called WAYIN, and walk quickly past every cage until they get to the one called WAYOUT, but the nicest people go straight to the animal they love the most, and stay there. ~A.A.Milne

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Often, when Piglet had a long walk home through the Forest, he wished that he were a bird; but now he thought jerkily to himself at the bottom of Kanga’s pocket, “If this is flying I shall never really take to it.”
He said, “Ooooooo-ow” all the way to Kanga’s house. ~A.A.Milne

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Wherever I am, there's always Pooh,
There's always Pooh and Me. “What would I do?” I said to Pooh, “If it wasn't for you,” and Pooh said: “True,
It isn't much fun for One, but Two, Can stick together,” says Pooh, says he.
“That's how it is,” says Pooh. ~A.A.Milne

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"Lying in bed with the lights out, I had to remind myself that the dragon was only a bedtime story one, not a real one. I had to reassure myself that all was safe by staring at the little orange strip of light that ran along the bottom of the door." ~C.R.Milne

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