

"Did you ever stop to think and forget to start again?" Celebrating words written, or inspired by, the much-loved author and playwright. Instagram: @a_amilne

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“I am not at all sure,” said Kanga, “that it wouldn’t be a good idea to have a COLD bath this evening. Would you like that, Roo, dear?”
“I am NOT Roo,” said Piglet. “I am Piglet!”
“Yes, dear, yes,” said Kanga. “You know what I told you about making faces.” ~A.A.Milne

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The little bears growl to each other, “He’s mine,
As soon as he’s silly and steps on a line.”
And they try to pretend that nobody cares
Whether you walk on the lines or squares.
But only the sillies believe their talk;
It’s ever so portant how you walk.

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Christopher Robin began to tell Pooh about people called Kings and Queens. And by-and-by he came to an end of things, and was silent, and he sat there looking out over the world, and wishing it wouldn’t stop. ~A.A.Milne

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When Christopher Robin had finished reading POEM, only Pooh was left.
“It’s a comforting sort of thing to have,” he said, folding up the paper, and putting it in his pocket. “Come on, Pooh.”
“Where are we going?” said Pooh.
So they began going there. ~A.A.Milne

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The fact is this is more difficult
than I thought,
I ought -
To begin again,
But it is easier
To stop.
And all your friends
Sends -
I mean all your friend
Send -
(Very awkward this, it keeps going wrong.)
Well, anyhow, we send
Our love

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Rabbit began to feel that it was time he took command.
“Now, Pooh,” he said, “when I say ‘Now!’ You can drop it. Eeyore, when I say ‘Now!’ Pooh will drop his stone.”
“Thank you very much, Rabbit, but I expect I shall know.” ~A.A.Milne

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“Hallo, Rabbit. Fourteen, wasn’t it?”
“What was?”
“My pots of honey what I was counting.”
“Fourteen, that’s right.”
“Are you sure?”
“No,” said Rabbit. “Does it matter?”
“I just like to know,” said Pooh humbly. “It’s sort of comforting.” ~A.A.Milne

342 1861

“Are you,” he said, “by any chance
His Majesty the King of France?”
The other answered, “I am that,”
Bowed stiffly, and removed his hat;
Then said, “Excuse me,” with an air,
“But is it Mr Edward Bear?”
And Teddy, bending very low,
Replied politely, “Even so!” ~A.A.Milne

305 1977

Pooh was counting his pots of honey when there came a knock at the door. “14,” said Pooh. “Or was it 15? Bother. That’s muddled me. I just like to know, so I can say to myself: ‘I’ve got 14 pots of honey left.’ Or 15. It’s sort of comforting.” ~A.A.Milne

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“Sometimes I liked the rain. Little by little the level of the water in the stream rose. And now I hoped it would go on raining, and that I would wake up to find it coming down hard. Perhaps I ought to put on Wellington boots and go and see what was happening.” ~C.R.Milne

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