

"Did you ever stop to think and forget to start again?" Celebrating words written, or inspired by, the much-loved author and playwright. Instagram: @a_amilne

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"Could a Bear be a Knight?" asked Pooh. "Of course he could!" said Christopher Robin. And he took a stick and touched Pooh on the shoulder, and said, "Rise, Sir Pooh de Bear, most faithful of all my Knights."
Pooh said "Thank you," and went into a dream.~A.A.Milne

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"It suddenly came over Piglet that nobody had ever picked Eeyore a bunch of violets, and he thought how sad it was to be an Animal who had never had a bunch of violets picked for him. So he hurried out again, saying 'Eeyore, Violets'.~A.A.Milne

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"My house?" said Eeyore.
"Come and look," said Piglet, and he led the way.
They came round the corner, and there was Eeyore's house, looking as comfy as anything.
"Inside as well as outside," said Pooh proudly.
"It's a remarkable thing," said Eeyore.~A.A.Milne

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"The wind had dropped, and the snow, tired of rushing round in circles trying to catch itself up, now fluttered gently down until it found a place on which to rest, and sometimes the place was Pooh's nose and sometimes it wasn't."~A.A.Milne

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"Eeyore, what ARE you doing there?" said Rabbit. "I'll give you three guesses, Rabbit."
"But, Eeyore," said Pooh in distress, "what can we - I mean, how shall we - do you think if we -"
"Yes," said Eeyore. "One of those would be just the thing."~A.A.Milne

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"We tend to think that, if someone is deprived of a blessing that we ourselves possess, their life is the sadder. But in fact the man who has less than his neighbour is only unhappy if he had been hoping for more and chooses to feel jealous."~C.R.Milne

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"The Sun was still in bed, but there was a lightness in the sky over the Hundred Acre Wood which seemed to show that it was waking up and would soon be kicking off the clothes. In the half-light the Pine Trees looked cold and lonely." ~A.A.Milne

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