

Author of #TheHorsemansDream #RareExoticBreeds #KnightsOfSnowdonia
#Seppuku #DiaryOfACaveman
Published by @commapress @WritingMagazine @PoisonedKPress

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‘In Roman times, emperors would throw Christians to the lions. It was the mess that people liked. We’ve moved on since then,’ she said, shining the torch into Arthur’s pupils. ‘Somewhat.’


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Despite the and vibes, this is a story about and its role in our survival as free human beings.

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If they can fuck things up this much with TV, Radio and Newspapers, imagine what they could do with HAARP, VR, 5G and Pharmaceuticals.

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A suicidal woman encounters a starving bear in the wilderness.

What happens next?

You decide.


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"They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more." - Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett

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