Truth, Justice, and Hopeさんのプロフィール画像

Truth, Justice, and Hopeさんのイラストまとめ

TJ&H is the podcast that explores the modern era of Superman comics from a humanist's perspective and examines real life through the lens of a Superman fan

フォロー数:631 フォロワー数:1660

Reading Rotation: Final Crisis - June 2008

The heroes mourn J'onn's death, Hal is framed for Orion's murder, the Daily Planet blows up, the murder investigation gets noticeably Morrisonian, AND...


Hot dang I'm enjoying this!

3 13

Reading Rotation: Superman - July 1996

Can we talk about how amazing Ron Frenz is?

9 99

I'll admit that my familiarity with early 2000s Superman is spotty at best, but am I right in thinking that when Loeb brought back Kara Zor-El that Clark and Bruce never went "It's weird how much she looks like our friend Matrix/Linda Danvers that we knew all through the 90s"?

3 26

I love that Alan Scott was the example that Pa used to teach Clark about heroism and responsibility

Superman - May 2008

34 180

Superman and the Thing. They're both 100% pure of heart, they both never give up, and family is everything to them both

2 20

Sorry I'm a bit late on this, but Happy !!!

9 64

I'd love to know what ladies who like comics think of Power Girl. I've always appreciated how muscular her physique is depicted, but her costume feels exploitative, though I know some writers have tried to spin it as empowering

3 9

Racists rewriting history and using Superman as a symbol for xenophobic propaganda

Action Comics - November 2007

6 31