

My name is Alexis 💜 | @Jev❤️ | @GFuelEnergy use code : sweater | @twitch partner | #LupusAwareness 🦋

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👀 still waiting to see a $10K donation to get your hair dyed... love to see a pink haired Jason.

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Imma be real, idk how Jason hasn’t needed stitches over the past week moshing alone in his room from tiny shit happening in this game 😐

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Woke up with a sore throat, stuffy nose, and a headache. Going to take today to chug tea and rest so we can at least have 6 days of Halloween.
I’m gonna be todoroki tomorrow even if I have to sound like shit.

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My body hurts from doing cartwheels and climbing trees, but I’m really happy I got out of the house with friends 😊. Something good for the soul before I shut myself in my room for the next week with the MW launch and 7 days of Halloween 👻

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House is clean and all that is left is to catch up on laundry, so I'll actually be able to see you all later. FINALLY <3

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