

My name is Alexis 💜 | @Jev❤️ | @GFuelEnergy use code : sweater | @twitch partner | #LupusAwareness 🦋

フォロー数:927 フォロワー数:56285

I really just back to back watched the ending of the office and friends. Wtf is wrong with me? My poor feels 🥺

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Do you guys ever feel like twitter randomly follows people for you?

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1.) cans are carbonated and processed differently thus the cost difference compared to their staple product.
2.) if you want to talk numbers I’ll use the SAME EXAMPLES you just listed yourself. With a code (there’s many available) a serving of gfuel is cheaper. (0.89 w/o a code)

0 4

Streaming for a bit <3
getting a tooth pulled bright and early


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