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In which your humble host may have hit his personal "tipping point" when it comes to gratuitous mutant death...
X-Lapsed, Episode 072 talks all about Wolverine (vol.7) #2!
Wave Two of Dawn of X continues with the debut of a book that... really *shouldn't* work, but absolutely does!
X-Lapsed, Episode 071 talks all about Hellions #1!
Nobody's favorite miniseries (proper) wraps up with our titular character unleashing his mutant power of... the Care Bear Stare?
Major X-Lapsed, Episode 6 is talking Major X #6 - only ONE episode to go!
What's (no longer) Eating Neena Thurman?
Domino's back... and is feeling mighty fine, which doesn't quite sit right. We're gonna talk a whole lot about the sanctity of Krakoan "wills" and much much more!
It's X-Lapsed, Episode 069 - X-Force (vol.6) #9
A Dream of Falling...
... and inadvertently giving the Brood a cold-shower.
It's more space stuff on #XLapsed--and, if I'm being honest, the fatigue is starting to set in!
X-Lapsed, Episode 066 covers X-Men (vol.5) #8!
Eps 61-63 of #XLapsed have been some of the most challenging to put together. Concepts like the soul, faith, the right to die, representation & much more as it pertains to the DoX landscape.
If you stopped listening, *please* consider trying these episodes
A bi-weekly reminder that, yeah - I'm still putting out new content EVERY DAY - and today's episode is the 400th program uploaded to The Chris and Reggie Channel.
X-Lapsed, Episode 059 - Wolverine (vol.7) #1
New Show Alert!
In attempt to stop having the Legion of Super-Heroes as a blind-spot in my comics fandom, I've enlisted the aid of long-time Legion fan @AdamThanosPod to gently help me find my way!
Learn Me the Legion # 1: Origin Stories & Adv Comics #247!
Taking a look at the first mention of "The Twelve" from X-Factor #13 (February, 1987) - Here are some images from the issue to save you the trouble of visiting the site!
It's time to party like it's 1991!
In my endeavor to once again be X-Relevant, the #XLapsed "brand" expands - a #SundaySpinoff, taking a break from the Dawn of X line to look at something... a little bit different.
It's MAJOR X-LAPSED, Ep. 1 - Major X #1