Joshua Hartmanさんのプロフィール画像

Joshua Hartmanさんのイラストまとめ

I'm a huge nerd! I love to read, and I write reviews on my Facebook page, The Hopeful Heroes Hideout and on Daily Comic Nexus and Marvel/DC United.

フォロー数:248 フォロワー数:68

Exiles. The most recent run by that is. Killed before it could really take off, though what we got was brilliant!

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I still find it amusing that of all those stories, to my knowledge only the Ms. Marvel tie-in called out the fact that it was basically just a superhero version of Minority Report.

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After almost two decades of waiting...we have to wait a little longer, as will be finally revealing the identity of the infamous Black Beetle in the Blue & Gold finale next month! I am HYYYYPED!!!!
Oh and also this most recent issue was SPECTACULAR!

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Hate the power change, LOVE everything else! That said, since they went to the trouble of including the Circle Q (a small detail I'm grateful for) if they don't include this Bill and Ted reference I will be VERY disappointed:

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Hate the power change, but LOOOOVE everything else about the trailer! That said...since they went to the trouble of including the Circle Q (a small detail I'm grateful for) if they don't include this Bill and Ted reference I will be VERY disappointed:

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KOTOR is great! I'm only one arc into it and I'm loving it! That said...the X-Wing: Rogue Squadron Comics are still my favorite!

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The supporting characters (the new Nightwings) were a cool addition to the lore and I really hope we see Hutch (the fireman who donned the red suit) again somewhere!

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This one is tied with The Greatest Story Never Told as my favorite in the franchise! I love Booster Gold, he's my favorite superhero...but I'm a sucker for a good western, and that western style JL theme was spectacular! And seeing Jonah and the other western heroes was great!

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He should team up with one of the three versions of Old Man Booster Gold we've seen!

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Kinda wish he'd gotten a crossover/teamup with Old Man Booster from Batman Beyond. Or Old Man Booster from Generations Shattered. Or Old Man Booster from Booster Gold get the idea, we need more Old Man Booster! His scattered appearances aren't enough!

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