

23 Animator/2D/3D Artist. ❤️@tea_bubbled❤️
Artist/Dev on Undertale Yellow. OUT NOW

Watch me on Twitch:

フォロー数:1546 フォロワー数:11682

"I drew a comic about Knuckles
(script by (1/3)"

110 795

This bloodline go kind of hard tho.
Volo slowly becoming one of my new favorite Pokemon characters.

7 56

I like this Sonic palette I made for this comic.
A nice blue.

21 182

Still working on that one thing...Its actually almost done : ) ) ) ) )

2 52

Happy Holidays from Me and the UTY crew. I love making Christmas art. Thanks for the event year. Here's to the coming coming soonish 🍻

11 96

The idea is that you would start in one large dungeon. You would traverse until you found portals that led you to "Paths" that then led you to the main dungeons. You would collect items along the way to progress, get the medals to unlock the next area.

0 5

More concept art and early map testing. Hopefully one day I can still make this a thing but I lack the programming knowledge to make what I REALLY wanna make.

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