

23 Animator/2D/3D Artist. ❤️@tea_bubbled❤️
Artist/Dev on Undertale Yellow. OUT NOW

Watch me on Twitch:

フォロー数:1546 フォロワー数:11682

Probably gonna be up late into the night finishing stuff, have some warm up sketches to get the wrist going

Chapter 2 is very good.

28 121

Small Spiderman warmup sketch before I knock out some commissions.

Yes I know Spines don't do that but its cool so shad up

3 38

Another Persona 5 styled pfp commission for my good bud
Thanks again for commissioning me!
Commissions are still open!

0 22

Forgot about this cool Persona 5 inspired Sonic Art I did.

810 3212

I'm ultimately still pretty good but moving took a huge chunk out of my savings so I'm opening up commissions again!

Any support would be appreciated and if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask! I've also opened up 3D coms for the first time so I'm excited to do that!

45 134

Little looky behind the scenes

Made some custom models and textures for this scene, even the Guardian has its own kind of rig. (Not a very good one but it works)

Got a little lazy on the MS cause it was gonna be kind of small on screen but yeah
Fun setup!

2 22

Been on a Zelda kick. Din's fire sketch.

10 64

Getting freaky on a Firday night

3 35

Forget the Illumise, forget the Seismitoad

Official Poke' Sona out here.

14 302

Legend of Malloree

The Collin of time/

8 173