

25 Animator/2D/3D Artist. ❤️@tea_bubbled❤️
Artist/Dev on Undertale Yellow. OUT NOW

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When I got the palette figured out, this was another stage I enjoyed working on. Haunted Manor (I wanted to rename it to a little more creative.)

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Sonic, at least Classic Sonic was always major on Nature vs Technology so I figured the next step for Dream Mountain was for it to be taken over by Eggman. Like a Scrap Egg meets Aquatic ruin.

This was another one that took some time to get the palette right.

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Conceptually was always similar but fighting the Palette was also a challenge here. One of my weaknesses with starting this project was having good good palettes but good to know I got a lot better over time.

I wanted it to be a project that I could also learn from.

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I was aiming for Dream Mountain to be the opus of the game. Fun fact, the reason why its called Dream Mountain is because the idea and initial concept came to me in a Dream.

Aesthetically still my favorite stage I've designed.

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Rainy Plats 2 is probably one of my favorite zones I designed. If act 1 was the kind of relaxing run through the rain, act 2 was going to be fast paced, big band music, deep in a thunder storm.

I hope one day I can make a stage with that high energy

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So Rainy Plateaus in concept has always been more or less the same but the palette between the sky and the background greens was constantly changing.

The next version pass the demo was going to have more and a better palette going for it.

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Some more Aurora Garden. these were made before Gaiden became a thing. The second one being the first piece of Concept art for Gaiden :)

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Hey guys! I figured since I gave the go to some of my team members to share some of their unseen stuff I figured I'd share some devloplment stuff for Gaiden plus some unseen stuff.

Still a bummer I can't make it a thing atm but I can still share the fun stuff! (Thread) (con)

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Just got my $1400 stimmy, only about 3k away from meeting my move out fund and to get my own place with !!!

Future is looking bright fellas'!!

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