AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golemさんのプロフィール画像

AestheticGamer aka Dusk Golemさんのイラストまとめ

I'm Dusk Golem aka AestheticGamer. Make games under @YaiGameworks, Horror Enthusiast, Humanist, living for love, focusing on Game Dev, long tweet walls.…

フォロー数:1153 フォロワー数:61138

(21/23) 2nd Spot: RE7: End of Zoe
While I'll always be curious if the original director had stayed how this DLC piece may have turned out, what ultimately happened, the swamp hermit hobo punching game we got, is a surprisingly fun twist on RE7's formula. Add to that a surprising

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(8/23) a bit bare bones. It is fun to play with four people in RE5 and just shoot each other in goofy ways though, & I actually like RE5's mechanics making it a bit like a Wild West stand-off shooter.

14th Spot: RE7 Banned Footage: Ethan Must Die
There's fun to be had here, but

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(23/28) and more contribute to limiting & depowering the player. The game uses its mechanics to tie its gameplay with its narrative & give the player the disadvantage in a few selected areas they must contend with to emphasize the surviving aspect. There's a number of ways the

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(14/22) method to stop them. In Clock Tower 3, it's your limited holy water. In Haunting Ground, it is your dog Hewie, who you issue commands to slow down & stop your pursuers. Both have a cost (limited quantity, or the well-being of your dog) & give mechanical choice to threats.

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(9/15) because it's the scenario you are trying to make it through & survive. Survival-Horror games often center around a single location, be it a single mansion or a more expansive city, with a horrific scenario you now must survive. To give weight to your gameplay choices, you

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(4/12) specifically is its mechanics & how they feed into "surviving horror" as the primary gameplay loop. Split off from Action-Adventure games, Survival-Horror brings a strong horror theming to the table, and emphasizes depowering mechanics, but crucially does so while still

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(26/30)A voice recognition horror game where you control cameras and mechanisms in a space facility while using your voice to a mic to issue commands to an AI controlled character. Interesting? Yes. Frustrating? Definitely. Amusing? Certainly! I need to play to completion someday

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(20/??) Cold Fear is close to being a great B-Tier Horror game, but is held back by a few frustrating enemies & sequences. But still, trying to blend a fixed & OTS camera, the well done oceanic settings including ship sway making furniture move, interesting enemies, wins me over.

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(1/3) I've been having this back & forth with my girlfriend due to the lego toys, she knows I'm a big Shuma-Gorath fan. So, in the pics below, first is Gargantos, 2nd is Shuma-Gorath, third is the Doctor Strange 2 monster we see in the trailer.


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