

I like mystery novels


Former member of the Kyoto University Mystery Club. 京大ミステリ研の元メンバーです。


pfp: take

フォロー数:303 フォロワー数:724

"if she were Mexican too"

(I totally agree, I'm Ichihime form monogatari)

0 1

Book cover that took me hours to clean
Horny meme I did on my phone

This says a lot about society

1 10

I just cleaned the cover for the second volume of pretty boy Detective club

13 50

Midterms have me feeling like shit https://t.co/QyjOg8RiXs

0 1

I'm so tired, this is me rn

0 1

Thank you very much!!!!!!!!!

0 1

Reject modernity
Embrace tradition

0 6