

I like mystery novels


Former member of the Kyoto University Mystery Club. 京大ミステリ研の元メンバーです。


pfp: take

フォロー数:303 フォロワー数:724

I just scanned this drawing that Yo Asami (Mangaka of Okitegami Kyouko) Made for the bakemonogatari manga (the color version can be found on the third volume of the Japanese special edition of the bakemonogatari Manga)

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Ofc I do, here's the freshly scanned image

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Be careful, jungus is about to snap

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I'm so glad you liked Jungus to this extents

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Thank you, I don't know what's supposed to be good or not.

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It's just my bad luck.
Never in my life I had something similar happen but the last 4 months it has happened two times.

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