

It’s the art that leaves the mark. Utd/Raptors/TFC. Story lover. Twitch Partner (twitch.tv/Aleczandxr). I run a nerdy YouTube channel. Expect spoilers.

フォロー数:238 フォロワー数:35111

This was some great shit.

43 490

It does all of these things while telling two parallel stories of emotional growth, honesty and heart - two very dark narratives that are cynical at points, but ultimately conclude with true heart.

Supreme mix of function and lyricism.

20 285

..And it literally brings the main message of the entire series to the fore through Ging’s dialogue with Gon. Plus it does a lot of other little things as well. Not to mention, it also helps that the direction is absolutely superb throughout the anime.

18 294

I’ve never really talked about it before but I love the current Haikyuu ED. It’s essentially just a bunch of stills but the theme is about all of the “supporting characters” behind Karasuno - those who care for and love the team and dedicate their time to supporting the boys.

104 615

Who is your favourite new-gen MC?🤔🧐 I know it’s kinda hard to judge since a lot of these series just recently started but given the little we’ve seen so far, which one wins?!?!🔥🤝😤

56 770

Before he was loveable, adorable and super contributory through his flaws, strengths and hunger. But combine his characteristic perseverence and desperation with a lack of ego and a new sense of maturity/perspective and he becomes insanely special.

28 295

Beastars can be such a haunting story sometimes. It’s tonally beautiful and darkly twisted at the same time, and the visuals and music of the anime adaptation convey that weight so well.

63 447

Rewatching Run With The Wind and wondering how a show can so effortlessly convey the uncertainty of young adulthood and how connection, common cause and a passion for something can make life that much sweeter to live. Such an incredible show.

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