

I am an artist from Ukraine. I draw anything depending on my mood.

フォロー数:43 フォロワー数:31

Давно не малювала, вже забула як це

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Лінива булка намалювала ліниву булку :>

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У вас дуже мила поні, тому я вирішила її намалювати :з

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Щоб хоч якось знову почати активно малювати, я створила ось таку поні :з
Може комусь вона сподобається

PayPal - 10$

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I don't know, but for some reason I like to draw myself. Although it's not always possible to show how I really look 🤔

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Okay, I spent three days on this. I'm not entirely satisfied with the result, but it will come down as a way out of stagnation

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Oh, this art block and apathy. At first I burn with the desire to move mountains, but then I have no desire to even get up in the morning. Not to mention painting or video games. And my friend gave me her old tablet until I buy myself a new one, according to this sketch of my OC.

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I drew all (almost) my characters with red/pink hair. Well, I'm tired. And this is just a sketch

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I like to do such sloppy colored sketches. There's something about it

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