

I am an artist from Ukraine. I draw anything depending on my mood.

フォロー数:43 フォロワー数:32

Would anyone like to buy a painting? /Or order a digital?/ $50 + shipping / I don't know exactly how much shipping will cost/

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I draw after a short break. I don't like to work from six o'clock. It's so hard to wake up so early.
One of my favorite gems, Amethyst. I also like Peridot, she's like a kitten.

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Amy used to annoy me with her behavior, but now I’m starting to partially find myself in her👍 Growing up, I realized that the character is quite good, I would even say that she is cool.

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Well, the pink marathon continues and I remember all the characters with this color that I really like.

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I like loli in genshin. They are so cute, I want to help or protect them. Dione can be mischievous at times, but that doesn't mean she's any less cute because of that. All in all, I love her.

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Perhaps this month will be entirely of pink characters. Love Rose quartz and feel sorry for her.

Можливо, цього місяця будуть суцільно рожеві персонажі. Люблю рожевий кварц та шкода її.

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Well, pink characters are really something incredible. I like to draw them. Maybe I'll draw a couple more art with pink girls. I just have a few characters in these colors. It's for a competition.
/2 original/

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Drawing characters in pink tones, I start to catch a certain vibe from this. I like it

Малюючи персонажів у рожевих тонах, я починаю вловлювати від цього якийсь вайб.

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Two more trades from two great artists. My girls turned out very beautiful.


Ще два трейди від двох великих художників. Мої дівчатка вийшли дуже гарними

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