

Dragon ball 💖#Goku🥕 #GoChi #chichi🥛#Sonfamily
Naruto/Boruto ✨#Naruto🍥 #naruhina #hinata☀️ #Uzumakifamily
fruits basket 🐁

フォロー数:325 フォロワー数:557

Naruto telling him to do an intro similar to his is too adorable 😂

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I was tagged by
Name four fictional characters you are obsessed with and tag other mutuals to do the same

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Adorable babies holding their dads finger💖🥺😍🥰

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I love all of them!🥰💖😍
I agree we really need more of the brown jacket look 😍

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GoChi and naruhina got married on the same date 💖😭
We know GoChi got engaged on May 7th and got married the next day on 8th May according to daizenshuu 7. Well naruhina's wedding card has the same date on it❤🥺 they're truly so similar🥰

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It's more like how Naruto tried to beat sense into sasuke

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Drop a gif of your favorite anime, cartoon or videogame and tag some friends

and anyone who wants to😊

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