

Tweets a weekly riddle & more every #FolkloreThursday. From @MartineBailey author of An Appetite for Violets, The Penny Heart, The Almanack & The Prophet.

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A favourite girl is Gerda in
After her friend Kai disappears she travels the world on a visionary quest to save him, barefoot and alone. Hans Christian Andersen’s story has been acclaimed as perhaps the first feminist fairy tale. 🎨 Dulac

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Grandville was a French caricaturist with an eye for the unnatural & absurd. The Flowers Personified (1847) shows a fantasy world peopled by flowers & humanised insects. His disquieting images are recognised as an inspiration to the surrealist movement.

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Answer: FOX
Winner 🏆
In craftiness & roguery
No fable boasts as fine as me
If my dinner I may choose
A chicken I prefer or goose
Hide the first letter of my name
Sir Loin’s great parent will remain
But if you still are at a loss
My centre’s 0 & my ends a cross

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Pan is the god of the wild, shepherds & fertility. Part man, part goat, his name gives us the word ‘Panic’.
Psyche, a beautiful mortal who earned the love of Eros, gives her name to the soul or mind & its study:‘Psychology’.

(Pan & Psyche 🎨Burne-Jones

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Circe, a goddess & sorceress, who transforms many of Odysseus’s crew into swine. A symbol of women’s magical hold over men’s baser instincts.
"So she enticed & won our battle-hardened spirits over..."

(🖊️Homer 🎨Waterhouse)

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"The jagged precipices were lofty, the encircling woods were the dimmest shade. Over all... brooded the spirit of repose, and the silent energy of nature stirred the soul to its inmost depths."

(Thomas Cole, 🎨 Caspar David Friedrich)

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In a thunderstorm trees show their characters:

"Beware the oak, it draws the stroke,
Avoid the ash, it courts the flash,
Creep under the thorn, it keeps from harm."

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16 July. Partial lunar eclipse peaking at 10.30pm:
“Eclipses are & have been ever looked upon as Ominous to Mankind as denoting Revolutions of States & Kingdoms, Deaths of Illustrious Persons, Wars, Pestilence, & diverse other Calamities.” (Moores Almanac, 1752)

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July weather ruled by Sirius & madness of the Dog Days:

"King Sol has now got Sirius for his page:
Some heads go wrong & others madly rage
Which robs them of Reason, Wealth & Time,
Oft Murder too – yet most wink at the Crime"
(Moore’s Almanac 1752)

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11 July. Stinging nettles now very plentiful:
When rubbing a sting with a dock leaf, use this rhythmic spoken charm:

"Out nettle, in dock.
Dock shall have a new smock.”

🎨 C M Barker Dead Nettle Fairy

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