

Tweets a weekly riddle & more every #FolkloreThursday. From @MartineBailey author of An Appetite for Violets, The Penny Heart, The Almanack & The Prophet.

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7 July. Traditional start of hot & unhealthy Dog Days:

"Sirius rises late in the dark, liquid sky
On summer nights, star of stars,
Orion's Dog they call it, brightest
Of all, but an evil portent, bringing heat
And fevers to suffering humanity"
(Iliad, Homer)

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My Dutch mother gave me a treasured a copy of Hans Andersen c1915. Dutch illustrator, Rie Cramer was influenced by Beardsley, Rackham & Dulac & had a distinct Art Nouveau style. I love this poignantly naked Little Mermaid once she'd lost her tail.

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21 May. Keep best cowslip blooms for divination:
Make a ball of flower-heads tied with wool & play ‘Tell Me True’ tossing the ball to this chant:
“Tisty-tosty tell me true, Who shall I be married to?
Tisty-tosty cowslip ball, At my sweetheart’s name you’ll fall.”

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10 May. Changelings often substituted for mortal children in May:
“The supposed Changeling was perfectly delicate…he never spoke or cried. If he were left dirty, the woman on her return found him with a clean face & hair combed with the utmost exactness.” (1731)

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4 May. Continue to observe the changes in the weather:
"Button to chin,
Till May be in,
Cast not a clout,
Till May be out."

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24 April. St Mark’s Eve. Maidens strip naked & hang their smock by the fire to foresee future husbands:
“On St Mark’s Eve, at 12 o’clock
The fair maid she will watch her smock
To find her husband in the dark,
By praying unto good St Mark.”
Ill Bell

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19 April Hang an loaf in your home all year to protect against disease:
"Good Friday comes; the old woman runs
With 1 a penny, 2 a penny hot cross buns
Whose virtue is if you believe what’s said,
They’ll not grow mouldy like the common bread" (1733)

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16 April. Open your beehives.
“In April open the doors of Bee-Hives, for now they hatch, that they may reap the benefit of Flowery Spring: & be careful of your Bees.” (Systemia Agriculturae 1697)

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12 April. Do not stand under an oak or ash tree in a thunderstorm:
“Avoid the oak
It courts the stroke,
And shun the ash,
It courts the flash.”

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