

23 | he/him | What will we play today?


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# amanop

Top 20 Gintama Characters, hope I'm not forgetting any

1. Gintoki
2. Takasugi
3. Kagura
4. Hijikata
5. Katsura
6. Utsuro
7. Isaburo
8. Shinpachi
9. Kamui
10. Hasegawa
11. Tama
12. Tsukuyo
13. Kondo
14. Nobume
15. Jirocho
16. Sakamoto
17. Bansai
18. Sougo
19. Asaemon
20. Oboro https://t.co/KRHTUpxnbF

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Short review thread on every manga I'll read from the recent recommendations :

1. Onanie Master Kurosawa : Very unique and interesting premise with hints of coming of age story where the MC went through some serious hell. He realised his mistake, reflects on it and tried to

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*Breathe in* LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO!!!!

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Just doing my job to spread the agenda

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Conversation in OP at its finest, Thriller Bark is fun

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Yeah, I remember him from Loguetown. Everyone is a monster in D family

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Coby got quite a glow up

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Finished Enies Lobby arc, it was great

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