

amanitapilz on insta and tumblr

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# sheith

Warm up doodle of my beautiful princess

19 75

a beautiful self portrait

0 9

I'm making a thread of OCs that I'm working on - everything here is subject to change especially the looks because I don't accept a design unless it's absolutely perfect to me - it's characters who meet in an online game therefore the designs are based on their avatars

1 8

Muffy is my favorite animal crossing villager

58 127

Remember how I said I wanted someone to be brave enough to make their age gap bigger? Guess I have to be that person 😏🔥

121 438

some wise words from ai tanabe to you (please watch planetes)

1 6

Team Sheith ❤️🖤

444 636

season 8 is almost upon us dkjfhskjgg I'm coping by drawing some cute winter paladins (that twitter is gonna crop horribly)

269 526

Sheith doodle with... lovedrunk? Keith? Idk but he sure looks adorbs

201 334

super clever of me to make a character who has a design that is all green when I hate green lol

2 12