

amanitapilz on insta and tumblr

フォロー数:450 フォロワー数:12033

I doodled s OC Jamie for ~
Love that aesthetic it FUELS MY SOUL

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Like I promised I did do an actual attack for
it's this lovely gal which belongs to
she was super fun to draw - scantily clad ladies with cool designs? Sign me the fuck up I say

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I was so full of energy to DRAW after con but now I'm like... how do I hold a pen again?!

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If you visit my booth dokomi this year (D44) you may be able to get these adorable creatures on a mug - or just come say hi and talk about cute digimans to me or smth!

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dear ignoct fandom - I know I'm new and have fuckall to say - but... where are the countless 10k+ baby Ignoct fanfics??? We have all this knowledge about them being childhood friends and everything and you don't use it for cute kiddie fic with puppy love content?? CRIMINAL.

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A man so ridiculously hard to draw I had to soothe myself by giving him the dorkiest smile (and massive tiddies)

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I love this bean (he'd love to be called that lmao) but I can't draw him well. I TRIED THO ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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I'm going thru old files and I don't remember who these two girls are but I bet they are dating

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