Anime has no universality. But Anime makes some people so happy. We don't think that galapagosization of Anime is bad.

フォロー数:3720 フォロワー数:690

Incidentally, is the sound of the Japanese fox.

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Both snakes and foxes have the same name "uka" as the god who protects grain from rats. Lady Uka, the goddess of the anime "Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha" is this god.
It was a good anime with a strong YURI taste.

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She has done cover illustrations for novels written by famous Japanese idol. The natural yet strong-willed expression on her face can only be drawn by TAE.

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A Portuguese woman mediates between a Spanish couple fighting over the sharpness of a kitchen knife at a market in Tokyo.

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A Dog of Flanders" is a novel written by Ouida and exhibited in 1872. In Japan, it was made into an animated cartoon in 1975, and the interaction between the main character Nero and his dog Patrush, as well as the tragic ending, shocked many children.

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"Ashita no Joe" is a boxing comic that ran from 1968 to 1973. The story is about a young boy, Joe, who has no relatives, meets a coach who is a drunkard, takes up boxing, and becomes a professional boxer after being isolated in a juvenile reformatory.

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This scene from episode 8 of is a parody of "A Dog of Flanders" and "Ashita no Joe".

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As a ghost, Oiwa-san has a very striking visual impact, but her original girlfriend was very beautiful.

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Voice actor KUSUNOKI Tomori has announced that she has a genetic disorder and will no longer be playing the role of YUUKI Setsuna (NAKAGAWA Nana) in the LoveLive series, which requires intense stage action. She will continue to play the role of Makima.

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There is a color version of out there, but it doesn't seem to be my favorite. I get the impression that it reaps the imagination that extends from the black and white screen. What do you think?

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