Anime has no universality. But Anime makes some people so happy. We don't think that galapagosization of Anime is bad.

フォロー数:3668 フォロワー数:699


1620, Electorate of the Palatinate, Southwest Germany

A mercenary who has been through the war in Japan appears on the battlefield of the Thirty Years' War between the Netherlands and Spain with a long-barreled flintlock gun made by a Japanese gunsmith.

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Cuvie's "The Glamorous Grand Seine" is a ballet manga that began in 2013. The story is supervised by a ballet instructor and the depiction is accurate. The relationships with various rivals and admired instructors have a worldwide reach.

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Popular ballet manga throughout the 1970s were "SWAN" by ARIYOSHI Kyoko and "Arabesque" by YAMAGISHI Ryoko. Ballet manga of this era were influenced by sports manga for boys, and many of them were stories that lifted themselves to great heights with a strong fighting spirit.

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I don't mean to be rude, but I arranged this with

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In the old days, the night was dark, so when the sun went down, all sorts of imaginary ghosts would walk around outside the house. Half of these yokai were Tsukumogami 付喪神, old tools that were 100 years old and had become yokai.

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This animation takes place in a parallel universe, in 1978.

The vending machine design is original 1970s Hi-C, and the coffee Ataru was drinking is believed to be a parody of old UCC canned coffee.

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"It's a workplace where smiles never cease." is a Manga for all directions, with Futaba, a 25-year-old rookie manga artist, as assistant, editor, supervisor, rival, and manga master.

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The "Memories of Emanon" comic is a comic adaptation by Tsuruta kenji of a series of novels by Kajio shinji. Due to the success of the comic, the novel version was published in a new binding, the cover of which was drawn by Turuta Kenji, making it difficult to distinguish.

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Japanese omegaverse productions tend to be happy-go-lucky stories that are more escapist than those in their home countries.

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