

Sui's personal account

Content Account:

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Today I will be spending most of my day going back and properly crediting all the maps and maps creators that I featured in my videos since I failed at doing that when I uploaded them...
200-ish videos...
this will take a while

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For the past 4 days I haven't been able to get anything done, I try to start working on something but I can't keep my attention on it for more than a couple minutes, halp

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Keeping a schedule's hard, man

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Currently trying to keep a 5 videos per week schedule on YouTube (Monday to Friday), it's a bit hard but doable I think.
As for the stream schedule I'm still trying to figure it out.
I think I got this!

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My brain trying to figure out a 4 games list out of the hundreds I've played

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Looks adorable, thank you sooo much

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I want horror games to use mirrors more often.
Imagine being super tense because spooky ambiance and all of a sudden you turn a corner and suddenly there's someone there, but it's your reflection.
You jump cause you don't expect it, then laugh your ass off at your own stupidity.

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