

Sui's personal account

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A drawing I for
Even after all this time I still have no idea how to shade XD

(ignore the background, I was just testing some prefab brushes in CSP)

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It's that time again~

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Latest video got demonetized, thanks YouTube, not like I was gonna make money off of it anyway

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You know, adding "final ... of the decade" to your title loses a lot of its supposed sense of importance when literally everyone uses it

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Merry Padoru everyone, remember to eat lots and be kind to everyone

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Updated my Padoru to fit with my new hairstyle, I think it came out alright

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Since people have been doing this
and this looks fun too, here's my VRChat avatar vs IRL me.

It's unfortunate I couldn't replicate the dual colored hair but close enough XD

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I did the picrew thingy too

Here's the link if you want to try it:

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