

i m a comic maker and rotulist, trying to make sci fi and fantasy a way of life

opened comisions : [email protected]

フォロー数:164 フォロワー数:99

Merfolk warrior, charactover (jeje, i know it's not octover buuut <3)
Keep learning color bit by bit to be ready to make the color for my comicbook "the ogre queen".
hope you like this character from DnD
comissions at

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I really love to draw and role strong women with weakness that try his best to face them and be better persona, and this has been the perfect break i needed from the comicbook i'm making
The proces was : pencil sketch -> brush ink on A4 -> digital color psh

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Can not explain how much I did enjoyed music, shes a really talented musician, and if you whant it lady the A3 original is a present for you, queep working that way beacouse you are awesome <3

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Supongo que quiero ver el mundo arder...
Blastoiser: una tortuga con cañones, no puedo pedir mas.
Crocodile: La 3ra evo me flipó demasiado cuando lo jugué de chico.
Mudquip: 1ra y 2nda evo me parecen preciosos y son diseños que yo entiendo por viables en el mundillo pkmn.

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Nuevo dibujete de gahrl"Rullah mi pj de rol en una partida de el resurgir del dragón, espero que os mole.

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fanArt de el buen que me ha devuelto las ganas desde hace unos años por volver a vivir aventuras en los magníficos mundos del rol. Mejórate de tus resfriados locos nano ^^

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El otro día jugué una partida de rol , algún día la subiré, mientras tanto... DOOZO DOOZO!!!

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