

Big waifu enjoyer
Photoshop """artist"""

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:30314

A final and heartfelt thank you to everyone who wished me a happy bday, specially to the mad lads who went the extra mile to absolutely destroy me with some glorious waifu size.

33 286

I reluctantly agree. SOR4 proves there's still a big market for beat 'em ups and that classic franchises can retain their SOUL when not handled by the talentless hacks who went "Wait, that Pepefrog from Killer Instinct has its own games?" when MS asked them for a new Battletoads.

2 26

Smartphones are super interesting.

51 334

✅Would be a glorious sight at rather large scales


3 51



Worry about those micro calories tomorrow, today is all about enjoying some tasty noms.

17 135

Remember to always treat yourself on Vore Day, it's time to finally try out that petri dish nano civilization you have been growing at home all year, or to find out if our planet really tastes like blueberry with chunks of green mint.

80 453

I'm not saying moar giant May

But yes

0 21

Teleported to our world by a shady ninja scroll Tsunade wonders about her whereabouts, barely minding the swarm of harmless bugs following her apocalyptic stroll through the landscape as a 10 miles tall titan before stumbling upon a perfect patch of dirt to rest her shapely rear.

87 508