

Big waifu enjoyer
Photoshop """artist"""

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:30314



Balalaika from Black Lagoon, smugly taunting a bunch of panicked tiny soviet soldiers as she uses the booming taps of her titanic high heels to teach them the proper tactics of avoiding artillery fire.

2 13

Reminder there is no escaping from Naru's glovely embrace.

45 320

You have chosen wisely, cosmic brain levels of it.

1 26

Choose your brobdingnagian swimming teacher wisely

99 506

For Momo I think you should use either her hero costume or the bikini from my other pic, to leave her chest and navel with enough exposed skin to serve as a slide for the tiny planets she is dropping on them.

3 20

Momo from Hero Academia, idly using her powers to create tiny planets from her fingertips just to watch them helplessly roll down and crumble like puny marbles on the slopes and curves of her monolithic body.

7 50

Like "Bigger" bigger or "Whole solar systems casually getting shredded through the stitched fabric of her pantyhose" bigger?

5 34

I hope you get around some CEO and tinies trapped in a glass of wine action too.

1 13