

Big waifu enjoyer
Photoshop """artist"""

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:30314

If playing the RPG mode of Granblue Versus has taught me anything so far is that pic related was actual canon all along.

62 396

But if everyone is big then there won't be any smol cuties to smug.

8 72

Gotta rev up those nanoscopic touhou funtimes for 's birthday

99 451



And the rest of their solar systems

17 93



That's what makes a mountain worth climbing.

6 45

Cool space fleet you got there, would be a shame if a horny mood were to completely annihilate it with a slight twitch.

78 460

The chaos of having their entire country crumble amidst scorching oceans of saliva came to an eerie still when she stuck her tongue out. Millions felt their pleas for mercy had been answered, their reprieve nothing but a whim for a photo of her snack before gulping it down whole.

96 490