

Big waifu enjoyer
Photoshop """artist"""

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:30314

I don't think Shinji is ready to handle all that superior german engineering.

14 135



What about bigger big sister

21 130

I want LB5.3 to be about a very smug Olga trapping Gudako and co inside a petri dish nano civilization, to show them the pathetic worth of this so called human microbes with her teasing and apocalyptic "experiments".

3 13

Breath of the Wild had to remove a race of tiny people called the Picori from the game since on every playthrough Zelda just kept obliviously destroying their kingdom into one giant buttprint or worse.

213 939

That's very likely haha. Although I personally feel like he often misses the point of it by always having all the helmets removed from the giant spartanfus.

0 24

-Demons who trick you into forming dubious familiar contracts with them
-Demons who show up the next day at work as your new smug boss
-Demons who can't get enough of watching you shrink the more flustered you get thanks to the sizey curse hidden in the fine print of the contact

5 58

This is your godfu for tonight.

189 798