

Big waifu enjoyer
Photoshop """artist"""

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:30314

So today is Vore day? That sounds about right.

35 239

A very big Naru reminding humans there's no escaping her glovely embrace.

44 252

A big Naru for 's bday, I hope you are having a good one!

37 269

I'm already on stand by mode

1 21

An improvised art trade of sorts with led us to some big juicy results 🍑💦

28 118

BBecause BBery BBig is simply the BBest size

46 251

Slightly modified alt version, because you were obviously thinking she wasn't 【BIG】enough.

24 125

People going all crazy for the new fighter gym pokegirl while I am just like "Oh hey, a new cute toy for Sabrina."

28 128

Sorry, but every time I look at her sprite I just can't unsee this.

27 150