

Big waifu enjoyer
Photoshop """artist"""

フォロー数:225 フォロワー数:30314

helped me to finally get Meiya around trying that tapioca tea challenge.

7 61

Ruh roh, at this rate I really wonder if you will be able to survive her reward.

2 34

Sasuga Murkrow

14 93

That awkward moment during flying pokemon travel when you have to interrupt the stroll of a dynamaxed champion and politely ask her for permission to rescue your friends after she unknowingly splattered them like bugs agaisnt a windshield with her body.

63 248



Big Meiyas smugging tiny anybodies to microscopic nothingness, that's the dream.

18 86

Humanity getting devoured by Passionlip's planet dwarfing chest as sentient fat somehow became tonight's topic when a friend innocently asked "Hey Anybody, who is this fate girl?"

36 172

Now that's some giga Umu greatness, thank you for listening to my request.

0 9

A giga completely oblivious about the desperate struggles of an air force trying to stop her, feeling nothing but faint tickles as the swaying and heaving of her curvaceous form keeps decimating the fighters with each casual step she takes might or might not be my current mood.

56 220