

フォロー数:4923 フォロワー数:578

Looking fine af. Day one purchase if released. If they make it L2D👌 ohhhhh

8 146

People I love Ceobe too, but don’t forgot today is Project red’s birthday 🎂

7 78

Devs you rock! In Greek mythology, Cerberus is know to love honey cakes. Therefore, often the living will bury the dead with honey cake, so the when they go to the underworld they can offer it to Cerberus for a safe passage. And guess what’s Ceobe’s favorite food? Honey cakes!

6 99

The name Lei-zi came from LEI TSU NIANG 雷祖娘:—The consort of the God of Thunder. This title may possibly be applied to Hsi Ling Shih 西陵氏 the principal or first consort of the Emperor Huang Ti ,himself. Her name is said to have been Lei Tsu

6 139

Do you know who else is coming? One of the fav ops in the entire game! Cerberus doggy! And guess what! Ceobe and Raphtalia has the same voice actor. So think as your taking both of them home😉

6 83

Do you know what’s better than getting a free skin? Ptilopsis is getting a new skin:)

4 134

Cheating in a PVE game 😂 what a bunch losers hahaha

12 161

I absolutely the Gitanos skin! But the I’m still praying for KFC skins. Devs, please:)

2 9

For anyone need help with UTC-7. US west coast same. US mountain time -1hrs, US East coast -3 hrs, US central -2 hrs. Don’t forget it. Rise and shine:)

3 44